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international petroleum exchange中文是什么意思

用"international petroleum exchange"造句"international petroleum exchange"怎么读"international petroleum exchange" in a sentence


  • 国际石油交易所


  • Concerns , exchange and cooperation - interview with ceo of london international petroleum exchange richard ward
    访伦敦国际石油交易所首席执行官理查德183 ;沃德先生
  • The nymex is trying to snatch liquidity from london ' s international petroleum exchange ipe which trades the most brent contracts the new york exchange has hitherto concentrated on west texas intermediate an american benchmark grade
用"international petroleum exchange"造句  



The International Petroleum Exchange, now ICE Futures (since 2005-04-7), based in London, was one of the world's largest energy futures and options exchanges. Its flagship commodity, Brent Crude was a world benchmark for oil prices, but the exchange also handled futures contracts and options on fuel oil, natural gas, electricity (baseload and peakload), coal contracts and, as of 22 April 2005, carbon emission allowances with the European Climate Exchange (ECX).
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